Mixed Method Zooming Out: Spire and Blogging my way to Mental Silence!
A lot can be learned if you zoom out occasionally from the “weeds” that consume your daily life…thinking about things…from a different perspective. I’ve been trying to do that lately…in my quest for mental silence. Wearables, like the Spire are allowing me to pursue mental silence in new and exciting ways. Daily…especially earlier in the week, I noticed a bunch of tension in my days. I’ve written about accepting tension…not being defeated by it…that it is a normal part of our day. I’m sure the most “Zen” monk experiences a bit of tension now and then. It’s what we do with this tension that matters.
The tension I experienced this week came at times when I was doing things, at my place of employment, that needed to be done that I personally am philosophically at odds with. I did not need the Spire to tell me that. However, the fact that this quantitative, tense data was collected at these specific times leads me to believe that wearables like the Spire can be helpful; providing more qualitative opportunities (in the form of blogposts like this) to zoom out of the “weeds” that can tangle us up daily, to reflect and become more mindful of what was happening, and most importantly…after reflecting and coming to terms with it…move on!