I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Another Year Older...not sure if I'm Wiser...

Another Year Older...not sure if I'm Wiser!I turned 49 yesterday. 1 year away from the big 5-0! I tried really hard during this latest birthday to be more mindful...grateful for what I have. My wife asked me what I wanted. At first...I thought...I could get another Apple product...the iPad Pro to be specific. Everyone is talking about how cool it is...how productive they are with it. Then I thought...why? I have an amazing iPad Air 2...it's less than a year old...an upgrade from the iPad 2. I have a brand new MacBook Pro, I have the latest iPhone and of course...I have the Apple Watch. I even upgraded my Bluetooth keyboard for my iPad Air 2. What more could a guy ask for?After much inner reflection and meditation...I came to the conclusion that I should be more than grateful for all of the great Apple products I own and use daily and stop wanting more! I tried really hard to embrace the experiences that made up my 49th birthday...what my wife and I did which included taking a great cooking class where we learned to make 4 really cool desserts. We went for a great walk in the afternoon. I received phone calls from family and friends and really enjoyed the conversations I had! Finally...my wife and I cooked a wonderful meal together accompanied by an amazing glass of wine! Again...I will ask...what more could a guy ask for? As I move into my 50th year on this planet...I want to continue to reflect and meditate...and be grateful for what I have!!

Am I an Overachiever?

Hope...right in front of us!