Cultivating Mental Silence

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Significant Futurists...

Significant Futurists...Thanks to a really cool service called [Highbrow]( I'm currently reading about a group of people that, for the past year or so, have caught my attention...futurists. People who society situates "ahead of their time." People like Timothy Leary. I've read his works in the past and am also aware, and quite fond of, some of the people he associated with, namely Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg. One thing I've noticed about futurists...they at some point in their life's trajectory have been shunned by society at large. For Leary, this involved having to leave Harvard University for his work with psychotropic substances.On a much smaller scale...I can relate to people like Leary. As an educator, I've always been out in front of those around me with regards to my pedagogy and my own academic pursuits. Being "out there" has its ups and downs. I've rubbed elbows with some of education's Titans, co-writing articles and books with them, working alongside them, cultivating relationships that I will be forever grateful for. I've also experienced the darkest of days in my profession...treated in ways I would not wish on my worst enemy ONLY because I chose to "think forward" with regards to what I felt was good for the children I teach. Those who know me've seen and/or helped me navigate both ups and downs...not allowing my head to swell too much with the ups and caring for me during the downs.I may not end up as well known as Timothy Leary. I may not end up being as published as some of the Titans I know...that's ok too! What I do know is that I enjoy what I do daily and not many people can claim that!