Cultivating Mental Silence

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Positive Addictions...

Today's a great day, I'm happy to be alive! Here and now I'm thinking about…about positive addictions. Recently I listened to [Tim Ferriss' podcast]( where, this particular episode, he interviewed [Edward Norton]( One of the interesting ideas that Norton brought up was positive addictions. He described how surfing is one of his. He talked about the sense of calm and happiness surfing brings to him. This got me I have any positive addictions? Should I have any positive addictions? After a few anxious moments thinking this over...I figured out that I do in fact have 3...Running, meditation, and writing.Whew...that was a close one!I cannot go one day without doing at least 2 of these 3 things. I literally get nervous if I cannot figure out a way to get each of them "in." Most days it's easy; I get all 3 in with each being a part of my daily, morning routine, 20 minute run, 10 minute meditation, and 5 minutes of writing. Weekends are a bit different...I write more, run more and because I'm not 19...I usually give myself ONE day off from running...replacing that run with a long walk with my wife!Each act is contemplative, nourishing my spirit; enabling me to imagine possible iterations of my-self!