I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

More thoughts about "side-projects..."

More thoughts about "side-projects..."Seems like "side-projects" and the manner in which these things get done is on the mind of someone I am coming more and more interested in listening to on a weekly basis, [Myke Hurley, co-founder of Relay FM and host of several podcasts on this independent network, namely Upgrade](https://www.relay.fm/upgrade). After he and co-host [Jason Snell](https://www.relay.fm/people/Jasonsnell) finished talking about impending events coming up on the Apple horizon, the talk turned, during a segment they call "Ask Upgrade," to a brief overview on their thoughts regarding what used to be for each of them...a "side- project"...that being starting up a podcast. Myke even referenced a talk he did about a year ago (referenced in the show notes...see link above for a path to that reference) outlining certain things one should consider when contemplating such a project..whether that project is being done "on the side" or something more "grand."One thing I walked away from both discussions with is the need for the creator of "side-projects" with an intended audience to keep that audience in mind when scheduling out the material...whether that material be a podcast or...in my case...a blogpost. What Myke was basically saying is that "you," the creator owe it to the audience to have some sort of regular schedule because the audience will...if "it"...and what I mean here by "it" is the content...resonates with them on any level...they will come to depend on "it" being there for them. This may not seem like earth shattering news to those more experienced in these mediums and to say it was a revelation for me would be inaccurate.Myke's words did for me what [Merlin Mann's words did](http://5by5.tv/b2w/254) in a recent episode of Back to Work with regards to thinking about managing time...a topic very dear to me. It was Mann's words that got me to re-examine the manner in which I was going about trying to write my post-dissertation book...specifically, his words inspired me to get serious about this book...if in fact it really meant something to me (which it does). By serious I mean I have recently scheduled time in my weekends to sit and write. That time in the chair has produced some very encouraging results over the past 2 weekends. Myke's words are working in a similar way...inspiring me to get serious about this blog writing that I have been playing around with...in the form of scheduling days that I will sit and write/post...not because I want to become Myke Hurley or Merlin Mann. I'm doing this because I love to write and share what is on my mind!! The act of sitting, thinking, putting words in some semblance of order (usually in my mind before they hit the page...I'm more of a "free-thinker" than I am a "free-writer") makes me very happy. The fact that I could get up today and do what I'm doing right now...composing this post...excites me in ways that few other things can!In order to keep this writerly blog posting mojo going I am going to commit...right now to posting once a week. In order for blogging to rise from the depths of something I do once and a while to the level of "side-project"...I feel that I need to not just tell you that I will post once a week...I feel it necessary to tell you when. So...here I go...moving forward...expect a post from me on Tuesdays!

Every minute weighs the Same...

Finding time for "side-projects:" A technician's perspective!