I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Update On Devices...

Deciding what each of my mobile devices is going to be for has been a calming, liberating experience. It's been several weeks since I have taken the Twitter and Instagram apps off of my iPhone 6S. I did this because I felt that I was using both too much...more specifically...in distracting ways...ways that were taking me out of the present moment. There were other culprits and I took them off the phone as well...suffice it to say, Twitter and Instagram were the main apps that needed to go. I just decided that I wanted my phone to be something else.It's been over a month and I have not missed these apps AT ALL! I am now using both Twitter and Instagram exclusively on my new iPad Pro...when I get home in the evening...AFTER I have spent time with my wife...as a way to catch up on what's gone on in both communities. Specifically, I am using Tweetbot and Instapad. When I want to actually post to Instagram...I use the actual app, in portrait mode (still not sure why it's not available in landscape on the iPad Pro)...pulling pics from my Photos app. "It" (using both apps) is actually a more pleasant experience on the iPad Pro. It feels more purposeful on the iPad Pro versus the impulsivity I was feeling on my iPhone 6s. And...as I've stated previously, the amazing size of the iPad Pro screen is so kind to the eyes!


I did it: First Impressions with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil...