I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

I am not upset...I promise!

I am not upset...I promise!Why do people make promises they cannot keep? As I type this I cannot help but think that this would be the exact type of question that Tristam Shandy (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Life_and_Opinions_of_Tristram_Shandy,_Gentleman) would enjoy contemplating. But since he is not available for comment I will keep writing. And a note before I proceed...this is not the first time I have experienced the let down that comes on the heals of a promise broken. That said, recent events have me wondering if it is pre-mature to make promises in real time? If not, why do people engage in this practice? Is it because they themselves are looking for something in return? If the person making the promise has some level of power over the person receiving the promise...does making the promise keep that person motivated to remain; compliant? Promises should be accepted with good intent and I am not as foolish to believe that each one made can be kept. That does not however make the sting of a promise broken; less painful!

Mindfulness in the Fart Tube...

watchOS...Cultivating Mental Silence from my Wrist