Cultivating Mental Silence

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11 Hours at SEA-TAC...

Stream of consciousness from my time spent at airport prior to my flight home from recent trip to Seattle.Friday night...Seattle-Tacoma Airport...waiting for my flight home...tried to get an earlier since 11:30ish am this morning...ugh...flight not until 10:14pm...starting to get a little will I cultivate mental silence in this remaining moments...wrote for about 90 minutes...shared a table in main terminal with 3 gentleman from Australia traveling the world...great conversation about Australian Rules Football... President Obama came to Seattle today and arrived at the airport...on Air Force One...around 3:30 pm...there were 100's of people lined up along a massive glass wall to see the plane touch down on the runway...I was one of them...people cheered as the plane landed and passed by 2 times...took some pics to document the event...found a great wine bar and spent time relaxing there...started to read new book at my gate 2 hours prior to flight.