Cultivating Mental Silence

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3 month experiment update!

3 month experiment update!3 months with Tweetbot and Instagram off of my iPhone 6s...I still feel that this was the correct decision. I will say though that my posting onto both has gone down dramatically...I lurk on both sites more than anything.With Tweetbot I find myself reading what others are saying, retweeting...sometimes with a quote, "liking" others thoughts and...more times than not (in my head) responding to an effort to start conversation. Most times all I get back are a "like" here or there...often times...nothing. I am trying really hard to be ok with that. The people I tweet only know of me because I follow them...they do not really know me and probably never will. Just because I tweet to them doesn't mean they have to tweet's not a requirement on the platform. This week especially I have tried to restrain myself from reaching out to others on via Tweetbot. I made this decision based on some things I have heard on a few podcasts I listen to. I do not want to pester these people and after a bit of self-examination...I've determined that their feeds do not need to be cluttered with my "witty" responses to their tweets...just to show that I get what they are saying! If I "like" something I read...I use the "like" button/function. That said...there have been 2 times this week that I have reached out...each as a result of a "sort of solicitation" on the part of 2 people I follow...both posing questions to those who follow them. Coincidentally each of my responses was met with a "like."With presence has lessened even more. I don't check it I do Tweetbot...and when I do...I'm lurking 9 times out of 10. I've written in the past that one of the things I like about interacting with Instagram...on my iPad that it feels more purposeful...not reactionary or impulsive...not that that's a bad thing. Recently...the continuity aspect of being able to get at Photos I've taken on my iPhone from my iPad Pro hasn't been the best. That has slowed my posting onto Instagram down. I'm still not happy with the whole landscape/portrait issue either but you know what...less time posting images on Instagram and more time not necessarily a bad thing!