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Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee

Comedians in Cars Getting CoffeeI have been watching Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee ( since it came out. I'm actually sharing a link via Twitter as I write this post...that's how much I enjoy watching this show. I guess, if you know a little bit about's no surprise why. Jerry Seinfeld ( interviews someone that he's interested in talking to. Most often...this person of interest is a very good friend of his. Go liking two people talking to each other about life. In the recent season, Season 8, episode 6...Seinfeld talks to John Oliver ( The smart, funny, topical and...wait for it...I found myself wishing I could have been there. Below are my "Top 5" quotes from the episode.Before I get into that...I would be remiss if I did not mention the car Jerry chose for John. A 1959 TR3 Triumph. I couldn't find a cool enough picture on the Internet...maybe you'll have better luck. This car was super small, it looked fast...even though most of the driving was done in NYC...on a rainy day! my "Top 5" quotes from the episode.1. Referring to the Republican nominee for president..."He'd make a better stress ball than a president."2. "I like to explore things. I don't expect to enjoy them. But I'm curious about what's working for other people."3. "It's not Falluja rough."4. "Trouble is fun."And...1. "I abandoned the truth along time ago."