Cultivating Mental Silence

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More on experimenting...

More on experimenting...For the last few weeks I've been writing about how I am trying to deal with anxiety and stress that is coming from a very complicated and problematic school year. I am humbled that so many people have taken the time to read my thoughts and want each of you to know that I am reading your work too! It's so nice to know that someone is listening.I've added a few things to my experiment both of which seem to be helping. They involve taking natural supplements. Specially... melatonin before bed and something called Happy Camper Stress Breaker. I was very skeptical about trying both but it's been almost a week and I'm seeing improvements. For one thing I think the quality of my sleep is getting better. I'm measuring that with both my sleep app of choice (Auto Sleep) and the way I look in the morning. I don't look like a zhombie ready to run a death marathon. The stress supplement is being taken before bed with the melatonin and in the morning before I go to work/school. It seems to be calming me down enough to handle the craziness that is each day in my classroom. I'm not a "happy camper" yet...but I seem to be managing the stress and anxiety better.