Cultivating Mental Silence

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Random Hump Day thoughts...

Random Hump Day thoughts...I took email off of my phone about a week ago. It has really helped out with my year of compassion theme. Now I have to get on my iPad Pro or MacBook Pro to access it...both of which are on the second floor of our house.Compassion in the car is working out well. I still talk a little to my windshield...however I'm more mindful and calm when this happens.Stopped listening to classical music in the car on the way to work...instead...I'm listening to The Beatles channel on satellite radio or...a podcast. I'm also listening to podcasts on the treadmill while running or walking in the morning. This is a big change for me as I was listening to binaural beats for a while.I also started a new workout routine. It consists of yoga, walking, and running each 2x a week with Sunday being a day of rest. I've loved getting yoga back into my life!!Told you these were random thoughts! Happy Hump Day!!!