Cultivating Mental Silence

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Podcast thought of the day...

 I’ve been writing about the Theme System Journal for several weeks. At this time I think I’ve said all I can about it and want to dedicate time this week to talk about something else. This week on the Connected podcast (which I recommend if you are into technology) the hosts talked about a report that Apple is ramping up to come out with a version of AR glasses in the year 2023. That’s not a long way from now. The hosts also talked about how, according to reports, that Apple sees these glasses as a potential replacement to the iPhone.This got me wondering, does present me think that future me would want this technology? The hosts of the Connected podcast spoke at great length about what they thought and I will leave it to you to go listen to them. Back to me.With the way I am using my iPhone and Apple Watch currently I do not think that AR glasses something I would want to try out. Over the last few years, those of you who have been reading this blog have seen that I have been trying to redirect my use of technology...from looking outward to looking inward. Most of the apps I use are meant to help me keep track of what is happening with me and/or to remind me about certain things...see previous blog posts for details. AR glasses seem like that would create more “noise” than “silence” I stated...present me does not see future me being at all interested. Past me...that’s a different story. Past me would be counting the days until 2023. I’m comfortable saying that as I get older my understanding of what I should be spending my time doing and/or this case technology...should be focused on cultivating peace and bliss. long as Apple keeps making iPhones and Apple Watches...I can continue to use technology to cultivate that peace and bliss!