Cultivating Mental Silence

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Thoughts about the week...

I just went through my Theme System Journal (where I passed the 50 day mark this week) and found some interesting trends for the week.

  1. I listened to music more than I watched TV.
  2. I spent time talking to my wife in the evening more than I watched TV.

I am really glad that I did not watch as much TV this much of what I watch is news related...both locally and nationally and to be quite honest...most...if not all of it has no direct impact on my day to day living. So why do I even bother?!I also spent some time this week thinking about the amount of time I spend on social media. Over the last 9 days I’ve spent a grand total of 8 minutes on Twitter...most of that time was spent writing back and forth to an Internet friend. That also made me feel good.Less time in front of screens is not necessarily the goal I’m striving for here. Purposeful time in front of screens...whether these screens are mobile (like my phone) or bigger (TV) seems to be more of a goal to aspire to.