I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

iPadOS 15 Multitasking: I want to go to there!

iPadOS 15 Multitasking: I want to go to there!

Right after WWDC I wrote about how I wanted to wait until others who are currently on the developer beta of iOS 15 wrote and spoke about their experiences before deciding whether or not to sign up for the public beta when it is made available to us “lesser nerds.” This week Federico Viticci took a deep dive, on a podcast he co-hosts; Connected, into what he’s experiencing now that he’s been on the beta for just over a week. If you are like me and are considering getting the public beta, I strongly encourage you to listen to this fascinating episode. Viticci’s website, MacStories has a great linked post on it about universal keyboard shortcuts that are available to those on the developer beta now and; waiting for those of us that plan on signing up for the public beta when it “drops.”

The combination of what I heard on the Connected podcast and read in the MacStories post (referenced above) has sealed the deal for me; I cannot wait to get my hands on the iPadOS 15 public beta. By the time it comes out people like Viticci will have spent even more time with the developer beta, sharing their thoughts about it; giving "lesser nerds" like me an image of what is possible when I get access to it. In the immortal words of Liz Lemon, “I want to go to there!”

Things I’m Enjoying: Summer Edition

Things I’m Enjoying: Summer Edition

Wax on, Wax off: I bought a turntable

Wax on, Wax off: I bought a turntable