Cultivating Mental Silence

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Day 6: “Teaching” from home...

Yesterday’s success with my first Zoom “class” meeting and time spent supporting families as they attempt to get their children up and operational with Chromebooks and Google Classroom got me thinking. Thinking about the importance of my role as a “digital” teacher during this unique moment in time...a moment in time that just yesterday afternoon got extended...more on that later.

I was thinking about what it means to just “being there” a calming force...for the families I serve. I can only imagine what it must be like to have a child home during this state mandated school closure. The sacrifice these families are making to ensure that their children are safe and taken care of must be immense. For me, the amount of effort and energy it is taking me to help my families get through this time is on par with “being on” all day in the classroom.

Most of my day yesterday involved helping frustrated parents that were having trouble getting their child logged into their Chromebook. One parent posted a very stressed and upset note to me in GC...leaving her phone number for me to call. After picking my heart up off the floor...I composed a calm, reassuring reply back stating that I was in the process of calling her. When I got her on the call she told me that the whole family was crying and upset over this whole thing. I listened carefully then immediately told her that the situation was nothing to cry over...that we would get through it together. I then proceeded to have her walk me through what was/not happening and in a matter of 15-20 minutes...we figured it out!! By the end of the call everyone in her house (including me in my house) was smiling again...problem resolved! Another parent was having similar technical problems so I got right on the phone with her. After about 20 minutes I decided that we should go to the Zoom app so I could see what she and her daughter were seeing on their computer so I could try to help. That issue is still pending but we are closer to resolution because we reached out to each other!

These are the moments we need to remember when we reflect back on this moment in time...what wasn’t intuitively ready for families so they could start helping their children immediately. What wasn’t in place for educators like me so I could assist families? What do we need to have in place next time? These are NOT questions to be asked/answered now as we are still, unfortunately, trying to “build the ship” while in flight!

As I stated in a previous post, I am only obligated, right now, to reach out to my families 1/x during the week. In good conscience that just does not seem to be enough and would NOT have been enough for the parents I helped out yesterday if I weren’t available. I do not know the personal circumstances of each family I serve. The thought of literally leaving them in the dark (especially the family that was crying) 4 out of the 5 days does not feel right...and...would have caused the 4 parents I helped out yesterday more stress and anxiety than they were already experiencing. I pride myself on the level of communication I have with my families under “normal” circumstances. I want them to remember that I was there for them and their children during this time when they look back on it. I guess it’s just a mindset. You get what you give...if that makes any kind of sense with regards to this situation. My job is to serve!

I will also say that putting all of this effort and energy into making this experience go as well as it can (especially yesterday while helping my families) has provided me the opportunity to get out of my own the process...experience a bit of mental silence. I do, (did) and will continue to provide myself breaks, meditating as I weave in and out of my obligations.

Late yesterday afternoon we found out that the governor of our state was extending the school shutdown until at least May 15th. As of this writing we are still waiting for guidance from the district as to what this means. My administrators are in meetings today and we have a Zoom staff meeting scheduled for tomorrow. I am guessing we will get some clarity during that meeting. Meanwhile…I am here supporting families during an every changing, fluid moment in time!