Cultivating Mental Silence

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Guided Meditations via the Mindfulness app on Apple Watch

This week I'd like to share how I'm using the Mindfulness app on Apple Watch to meditate. In late September, as a part of the watchOS 8 update, Apple released both audio guided meditations via the Mindfulness app on the watch and video meditations as a part of the Fitness + app on the iPhone. Over the course of the last 3 weeks I've gravitated towards the audio guided meditations that can be activiated right from the Apple Watch. Readers of this blog know that meditation is a part of my "self-care" practice. Up until recently I've been using the Insight Timer app as a source of my guided meditations. With the release of this new software, I decided to, at least for now, switch to the guided meditations on the Mindfulness app, through my Apple Watch. My reasoning is simple enough...

1. I can see the data my meditations generate right on my Apple Watch at the end of each session.

2. The quality of the sessions are as good...if not better than what I've experienced on the Insight Timer app.

The Mindfulness app makes it very easy to filter the sessions based on variables such as; Trainer/teacher, Time, and Theme. This can be done on other apps. However, the fact that it all feels seamless via the Apple Watch is a huge win for those of us fortunate enough to have the technology and service that Apple provides.

One of the big things I use to "vet" my guided meditation experiences is the voice of the trainer/teacher. It didn't take me long to find the person that works for me. Her name is JoAnna Hardy. For whatever reason, her voice and overall "vibe" reminds me of another amazing meditation teacher; Tara Brach. Hardy's voice enables me to settle into my practice; "dropping the heavy bags" of the day while giving myself permission to work on becoming a better version of myself.

Much in the same way I "vet" the podcasts I listen to; come for the voice(s) stay for the content, the second thing I use to "vet" my guided meditation experiences is theme. Apple currently provides 9 different themes ranging from Gratitude to Resilience. I've only tried a few so far; Calm and Resilience to be exact. My decision for just trying these comes from the very challenging year I am experiencing teaching in person during the pandemic. I'm currently engaging in these guided meditations in the evening, as a part of my wind down routine prior to going to bed. These specific meditations have afforded me the opportunity to regain a sense of balance after giving all I can, to support the students and families I serve throughout the course of the workday.