Cultivating Mental Silence

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90 Days with the Theme System Journal

Readers of this blog know that I am currently using a unique notebook/journal called the Theme System Journal. Go back to my previous posts about how and why I am using this powerful “thought technology.” In this short post I wanted to think out loud about what it’s been like using it for 90 days.

First of’s not been 90 consecutive days. I only use the journal during my work week, Monday-Friday and I did take some time off from it during the Christmas holiday. I have found that using the journal during my work week has helped me stay focused on my yearly theme, The year of “Right.” Specifically, the journal pages allow me the opportunity to reflect at the end of the day. I am currently focusing my use of two of the 4 boxes to write about things that made me happy on that particular day. The largest box is being used to think about things related to blogging. The smallest box (at the bottom) is being used to write about things I am most looking forward to. My choice to focus these boxes on positive aspects of my life is an attempt to fulfill some of my daily themes like, “right view, intention, action, and mindfulness.”

A little more than a month ago I had the presence of mind to notice that I was going to run out of space in my first journal. Based on things I was hearing on the Cortex would be in my best interests (if I wanted to continue using this tool) to go ahead and order my next journal. Myke Hurley (creator of the journal) reported that there were still journals available. I wanted to seamlessly go from one to the next. Knowing what I know now about the coronavirus' impact on the supply chain I’m glad I made that decision when I did.

I am looking forward to starting my next journal in a few days as I have decided that this is an important “thought technology” in my overall efforts to cultivate mental silence!