Cultivating Mental Silence

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This post is a mini-rant regarding recent current events. I welcome your responses.

Are any of you scratching your head at the recent developments regarding Discord? I'm talking about the young, Air Force guardsman that is suspected to have leaked secret US documents on Discord. The media is acting as if Discord itself is to blame. I blame myself for getting upset about this. I wouldn't know any better if I didn't tune into the news. Where are the stories about platforms like Discord that are positive? I get it, that's not what sells.

For me, Discord has been a very positive experience. I belong to 3 "communities," Club MacStories, Relay FM, and Obsidian. The people I interact with are kind, helpful, intelligent, and patient. Somewhere, in an alternate universe, on some news platform, a news anchor is passing it off to a field reporter who is interviewing a tech novice who just got some awesome feedback from a kind and knowledgeable tech geek on how to improve a Shortcut she has been working on. This segment sponsored by M & M's. I want to go to there!!!