Cultivating Mental Silence

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A little less...a little more...

It’s the first full day of Spring Break (Friday was a holiday and I spent it helping my amazing wife clean all of the windows of our house). work...just doing what I want and that means...right now...writing.

Having to stay home during this pandemic has shown me that I can live with a little less and a little more. So... in no particular order here is a list of things I've been thinking about.

I can live with a little less...

... going out to eat.

... time spent worrying.

... time spent projecting into the future... see above.

... ordering from Postmates.

... bacon... now that one has been just down right hard! It has been about 4 days since I’ve had some.

... time thinking that the sky is going to fall.

...TV news.

... time being so serious.

I can live with a little more...

... eating home prepared meals.

... conversation with my amazing wife.

... tending to things around the cleaning the windows! (See pic)

How I earn my rock-n-roll lifestyle!

... walking.

...running on the treadmill.

... music.

... humor.

... coffee.

... tea.

... time sitting on the patio.

... time sitting at the fire pit.

... time out of my own head!

... time baking.

... time spent supporting others around me.

I plan on writing and posting to the blog a few more times this week. I came up with a couple of interesting ideas while running on the treadmill (listening to a podcast of course) this morning. Looking forward to playing around with them and getting them down “on paper.”