Cultivating Mental Silence

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Swipe to open: Not necessarily…

Later this Fall, iPhone users are going to get to do something with their Lock Screens that they’ve been waiting a while to do, swap out the Flashlight and Camera controls. Yes, you heard me, we will be able to swap out our Lock Screen controls. Apple has provided many options for this and, as a person testing out the iOS 18 beta, I couldn’t be happier. Here are the controls I’ve decided to swap Flashlight and Camera with…

Nothing Earth scattering, just very utilitarian. On the left you will see the control that will open my CPI app. Until now, I have had to use a Shortcut on the Lock Screen to open CPI or, like a barbarian, bring my keys and key fob wherever I go. Not anymore. Being able to use this control will make my life much easier. On the right you will notice the control that will open Messages. This too will be a game changer for me as Messages is (make that was) the #1 app I opened when I unlocked my iPhone. You may be wondering what I did with the control for the Camera app. I put it in Control Center with Flashlight. I encourage you to ponder replacing the Flashlight and Camera controls on your Lock Screen and see how your daily life changes because you no longer have to, “Swipe up to open.”