I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Mind Like Water with Clear and Reminders app...

Mind Like Water with Clear and Reminders App...Here and now I'm thinking about…my current task management set up. There are two things I'm using that allow me to embody [David Allen's](http://gettingthingsdone.com) words, "Mind like water!" One is the to-do app called [Clear](http://realmacsoftware.com/clear/). Having read Allen's seminal book about this topic, [Getting Things Done](https://gtdconnect.com/store/product.php?productid=17035), I am acutely aware of the importance of having some system to keep me organized. I've used much more "robust" systems in the past...apps like Omni-Focus. On the other side of the to-do spectrum, I've even tried the [hipster pda](http://www.43folders.com/2004/09/03/introducing-the-hipster-pda) but it just felt like a waste of index cards after a while. The thing I'm liking recently about Clear is that it's simple. The capacity to have the Clear app on my Apple Watch...as a glance...is very pragmatic...it's always very close to me. The app allows me to add reminders to things on my list...which can be helpful...especially when I'm at work. Most importantly, using this app allows me to remain in the present moment more...keeping my head up...actually doing stuff...getting things done...versus getting caught up in the minutiae of writing it down in a super powerful app...so I can...at some point...get it done...which...depending on the super powerful app...can actually take a person away from the things s/he wants to do. I've also come to rely heavily on Apple's own [Reminders app](http://www.imore.com/reminders-iphone-ipad), via Siri...on my Apple Watch. I use it for all sorts of things, work, non-work...all of the time. The Reminders app, on the Apple Watch is in fact the digital "hipster PDA"...producing an index card-like reminder after you've added it via Siri dictation.

Off the Social Media Grid again...sort of!

Unexpected surprises...a person-made illusion!