I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Unexpected surprises...a person-made illusion!

Unexpected surprises...a person-made illusion!Ever think something was going to happen...it appeared momentarily that it was not going to happen...then it actually did? How did you feel throughout the trajectory of that experience? Were your feelings "at the ends" similar? Were those feelings "broken" momentarily, in the middle? How would our lives be different if we tried to remain neutral or mindful throughout the trajectory of these experiences? Would we be less stressed, anxious? What if we just kept going...moving forward...would we be more balanced?On a morning where I'd hoped I could have some extra time to rest and relax was momentarily interrupted with the fact that that was not possible only to find out that I could indeed have that extra time...I sit here thinking about my own trajectory through that experience. I'm thinking that unexpected surprises are person-made and as a result; an illusion. There would be no unexpected surprises if we adopted a more neutral, mindful, balanced stance as we moved through the experiences that make up our lives. I know what you're thinking...easier said than done. Maybe...maybe not. I know what I'm thinking; the alternative isn't working!

Mind Like Water with Clear and Reminders app...

"No" + Extra Time=Happy?