I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Getting Back onto the Grid...random acts of kindness on Twitter!

Getting back onto the Grid...random acts of kindness on Twitter!I'm still trying to figure out my presence on Twitter. Recently, I went back on after about 10 days off. The circumstances for re-entry may have provided a reason to stay on. A good friend of mine is doing some really interesting work with his middle school students using Twitter. He texted me a few days ago and asked me to look at what his students were doing. I went on and was amazed at their enthusiasm with regards to attempting to seek out membership within alternate communities that extend beyond their school world. Specifically, they are writing about the recent events in Flint, Michigan. After reading a few tweets I felt compelled to "favorite" a tweet and respond, along with including an additional hashtag; in an attempt to show this student that her ideas could potentially be circulating in other conversations other than the one she is already in, that being #kmseagles.That made me happy! Like I was doing something good for someone.Next...after hearing the latest episode of one of my favorite podcasts, [Mindful Cyborgs](http://mindfulcyborgs.com/shows/2016/2/16/episode-71-), I felt compelled to reach out to the hosts, [Chris Dancy](http://www.chrisdancy.com) and [Klint Finley](http://klintfinley.com) to thank them for their efforts.This too made me feel happy...like I'd done something nice for two people that have provided me with hours of happiness in the form of engaging thoughts and ideas!Could this be my new "take" on Twitter? Random acts of kindness?

Seeking the Middle Path...

Off the Social Media Grid again...sort of!