I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Seeking the Middle Path...

Seeking the Middle Path...At a recent workshop...I caught myself wondering...Was I buying into the message, trying to figure out how to hack the message, or somewhere in between. Buying into the message seems to be situated on the right end of this particular spectrum. Hacking the message...the far left.If I situate myself in the middle or to the right...I feel like I'm being pragmatic...maybe even compliant. If I situate myself on the left...I feel more idealistic...maybe even imaginative.Is there space to be both pragmatic and idealistic...simultaneously compliant and imaginative?I think so. We do not know pragmatism without idealism. We do not know what it means to be imaginative without knowing compliance. Judging one and not the other is just as dangerous as valuing one over the other.The more I work the more I think about the importance of seeking the middle path...using opportunities like this recent workshop to practice being both pragmatic and idealistic.

Even at arm's length...suffering endures!

Getting Back onto the Grid...random acts of kindness on Twitter!