I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

I’m running out of gas...

I’m running out of gas...At the end of what has been a very long week in the classroom...I’m running out of gas! We have 9 days left of school. For those of you who do not teach I can already hear the, “Yeah...I still have the rest of this year to work...what are you talking about that you’re running out of gas?” I’m not writing this to imply that teaching is more difficult than other jobs. I will say though that the compressed nature of our job...working 10 months...really does make this time of year difficult to get through. And...I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we have an “end time.” Because we have it in front of us we experience a different kind of tired that other professions may not experience. Because we have that “end time” in front of us we get more anxious about it as we get closer to it...at least I know I do and I’ve been doing this for 30 years! The kids we work with feel it more than we do...we see it manifest in them at a more magnified level...I wrote a little bit about that last week. I’m not looking for pity, empathy, sympathy. I’m just a guy writing about how he’s feeling today. I know I’m about to break the 4th wall down here...addressing my audience directly but...as always...thanks to those of you who care to take the time to read my thoughts...words will never begin to explain the feeling I get when I check my email and see that people care enough to read about what’s on my mind! Without knowing it each of you has helped me through a very difficult year!

More end of year thoughts...

End of year thoughts...