I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Week Six with the Theme System Journal...

 I’ve been playing around with a few things in The Theme System Journal over the last week. Work has been very busy and so has my “not work life” and a teacher workday has provided me some space to sit here today and write about the playing around I’ve been doing.In my last post I talked about creating some new categories to substitute with the original categories in the Journal Pages section. So far I’ve come up with “Surprised,” “Distanced,” “Idea,” “Quote,” and “Podcast thought of the day.” I’ve used a few of these and want to keep thinking of more categories. I’m also still playing around with space...moving categories in and out of their “traditional” spaces. Another thing I started doing was using a category more than once within a particular entry. For example, just last night I used “Forward” 3 times...the first just being “Forward” followed by “Forward #2,” and “Forward #3.” This gave me space to think about more than just one thing that I was looking forward to.Another thing I wanted to share was what I am going to call a “mini-journal-hack.” Because I use the same 8 Daily Themes I am folding these pages so I do not have to re-write them. Here’s a picture...It’s simple but very effective when it comes to continuing my thinking in that space.

Week Seven with the Theme System Journal...

Week Five with the Theme System Journal...