Cultivating Mental Silence

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Theme System Journaling with(out) a Theme System Journal

I’ve been looking over my analytics for the blog. It shows me what content is the most popular with my readers. What I’ve noticed is that my thinking about the Theme System Journal is very popular. First of all, I am humbled to even say that something I’ve written is “popular” and/or interesting to someone other than myself. I’ve been writing about what I’m doing in the TSJ since I got it. I’m not due to talk more about what I’m doing with the it for a while but…I am…currently…doing something interesting with(out) it. 

This blog post will explain what I am doing, why I’m doing it, and my general impressions of the decision.

What I’m doing…

Let me start by saying that this is by no means earth shattering or innovative. I’m sure others who have “bought in” to the TSJ lifestyle have come to at least contemplate if not go ahead and “do” what I’m doing. I’m using an empty notebook and “doing” TSJ stuff in it. 

Why I’m doing it…

Somewhere around early June I noticed I was going to run out of pages as I finished my 180th day with the Theme System Journal in early July.

Knowing this, I got onto the Internet and attempted to order my second TSJ. Due to the pandemic…getting one was not going to be easy. It was currently out of stock so I requested to be given notification as to when they were available for ordering again. I was still left with the prospect that I would run out of pages and need a new journal before this second “official” journal came in the mail. And…that’s exactly what happened. My solution…find an old notebook and bring the essence of the TSJ to it. Drawing lines to create the “Yearly Themes” page, the “Journal Pages,” and “Daily Pages” is easy enough.

I’ve been using this notebook for about 43 days. In the time that I’ve been using it my second TSJ arrived in the mail. Listening to the latest episode of Cortex I found out that a revised edition of the journal is in the works. I also found out that the version I have now may be available one last time before that new version comes out. My intention is to use my notebook up until I cannot write in it any more then go to the second journal that came in the mail recently and pick up from there.

My general impressions…

I’ve missed writing in the “official” TSJ. I miss it because I’ve “bought in” to the mindset. Documenting my days in this manner has become important to me. Doing it in the space meant to do that thinking makes for a more authentic experience. Also…I won’t deny…I like the idea that I’m using something that came from the minds of two people I’ve come to admire over the years. 

My lines and drawings can approximate the experience…and…if I’m honest…save me money…but that is no substitute for the real thing. That said…I feel that my usage of the notebook allows me to continue writing daily which is of course the most important thing.