I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

We moved!

So much has happened since my last post...in order of magnitude...

  1. We moved!
  2. We moved! and...
  3. You guessed it...we moved!

Sometime in mid January...we starting talking aloud about moving...this is a big deal mind you seeing that we had been in the same house since moving to Charlotte...23 years ago. We loved our neighborhood...it was quiet...we came to know some of our neighbors...and...it was conveniently located to places we liked to go.About 5 years ago...things started to change...things got a bit "sketchy" on the fringes and then...much closer to home...like next door...a big change occurred...a family with radically different values (I'm trying to be nice here) moved in. To say this caused us a bit of stress is a gross understatement. We tried very hard to embrace and accept...this quickly turned into trying to ignore...which...recently...became impossible!Meanwhile...other things started to happen...not just around the fringes. This begs the question...How long do you remain in a situation before attempting an "exit strategy?" For us...it was too long! But...in hindsight...if we had made an attempt to move before "now"...we may not have ended up in the place we are now.Things happen for a reason...as stated above...we decided to put a "feeler" out...to see how much we'd get for our house...if we wanted to move. To our surprise...we had stumbled into a "buyer's market"...the best one this city has seen in...according to our relator...15 years!5 weeks later...I stand here...at my NEW sit/stand desk...in my NEW office (smallest bedroom, on the second floor)...in a house I could not have imagined we would be living in! I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for...this move is my recent "one."

To cling or not to cling!

I turn 50 tomorrow!