Cultivating Mental Silence

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What's working...

What's working...Week 2 of taking the natural supplements along with melatonin in the evening has proven to remain helpful. I am measuring that statement against the fact that I haven't cried or broken down in 2 weeks!! I'm still listening to the binaural and ambient sounds during my morning walks. I may go back to running at some point but for now walking feels right. I have shifted to listening to podcasts on the way home from work and while doing chores around the house. I don't miss the podcasts on the morning at all. Listening to an audible book at 1/2 speed before bed has been very calming.My wife and I got new iPhone XR’s last weekend. How does that fit into this experiment? Well...I realized before getting it that I was hardly using much of the space on the older iPhone 7, 20GB out of 128. So... We decided to get 64GB phones when we upgraded and I have since pruned a bunch of apps I wasn't using off of the new phone. I'm currently using 16GB out of the 64 available. This is all relevant because the apps I have dumped aren't who I am. The apps I kept are exactly who I am. It has felt so good getting rid of the excess.