I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Mindfulness in the car...

Mindfulness in the car...As I continue to think of ways to reduce my anxiety I am finding interesting spaces to address it. After reading recently that meditation at night not being the best idea in the world I needed to figure out how to get some mindfulness into the day. I have been using the Pause app on my iPhone for about 5 minutes in the morning after my morning walk and breakfast, prior to leaving for work. Sometimes that 5 minutes is hard to justify when there is so much to do at work. I know I should be protecting that time at all costs but there are days (more often than not) when my anxiety and the stress of what might happen get the best of me. So...I have started using the Breathe app on the Apple Watch, in the car...on my way to work. Mindfulness in the car. I have been doing this for about a week while continuing my practice of listening to classical music. I can easily get 10 minutes of mindfulness in on my way to work and if I want...that much on the way home. It’s not time on the cushion but at least I’m trying to make good use of the driving time.

Mindfully grateful...

What's working...