I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

End of Week Reflection...

End of Week ReflectionSitting on my patio after a long week at school. Trying to reconcile what happened, what didn't happen. The amount of work I get done in one day let alone the entire week should leave me with a great sense of accomplishment. I've done so much for so many. Why don't I feel that sense of accomplishment? I feel exhausted, under appreciated. I don't feel anxious though. Not yet. That will come Sunday night as I begin to wrap my head around the fact that I will have to do it all over again come Monday morning. Another week of writing lesson plans, going to meetings, filling out paperwork, creating assignments, grading the assignments, entering the grades into my gradebook, keeping families informed as to how their children are doing, negotiating the dynamics of a classroom full of students, and oh... let's not forget; teaching. Lately I've felt like I've been trapped in a Ground Hog Day type of scenario. I shouldn't be feeling that way but I do.

Free Writing+Happy Students=Happy Me!

I'm Tired...