I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

I'm Tired...

A short post today. Sort of. I'm tired. Today was a long day. Getting things ready for a back-to-school night next week. Funny thing is… I'll probably only get three or four families out of 22 to show up that night. Getting things ready for the school day. I get to school an hour early to get these things done… I wish there was an easier way to do this but there isn't. Planning with my literacy team mates. I'm in meetings like this four out of five days in a week…with only one day where I get time to myself. Teaching a full day. At this point in the day I've already been at school for three hours…can you say... exhausted? Then to top it all off… a one hour staff meeting after school where I carried most of the load that was expected of my team. This is typical as most people don't really care about what's going on in these meeting and I still do care so I'm taking advantage of.I'm trying to reconcile this day… was it good… was it bad… was it both...was it neither? I did get a lot done. I'm tired.

End of Week Reflection...

Am I Compassionate?