Cultivating Mental Silence

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Second full week of summer break...

Second full week of summer break...The second full week of my summer break is almost “in the books.” It's been a great week for several reasons. One of which will happen later today as a good friend of mine and I attend a concert by Dead and Company. I’d like to try something a little different this week with my post. Whereas last week I worked on fitting bits of my “golden lines” within the post—this week I’m going to try to use them as starting points to a reflect of the week as a whole. Let’s see where this goes...what I’ll do, if you are interested, is place quotation marks around each “golden line” I use.The week did not get started off well as “I did NOT get a lot of sleep” the night before the week started. I’m not sure why this happened as since school has let out I’ve been sleeping like a baby and my numbers have been super strong and support that statement. When I say numbers I am referring to data I get from two apps I use to help me with my sleep habits, AutoSleep and SleepWatch. The rest of the week’s sleep was much better than the week started partly because I took some over the counter sleep aids to get me back on track. I am now 2 days without the sleep aids and I’ve been fine.I “had a great conversation with Bert” on Tuesday. Bert is a life long friend and we use our summers to catch up with each other as it is very difficult during the year as we are both educators. We have a lot in common and our discussions go in so many different directions I always look forward to meeting up with him. This week I sought him out for some feedback on a proposal for a manuscript I have been working on for a book I’ve been writing. He is a very close reader and was very generous with the time he spent reading and thinking about my work. He gave me several things to think about with regards to edits to the proposal—things that if addressed will make the proposal impenetrable with the exception of the actual content and idea I am writing about.“Most of the time” Wednesday (was) “spent working on edits to my proposal.” Bert was the person that motivated me a few weeks back to take this manuscript to the next level putting a proposal together and I have put so much energy into getting it ready to send out. If any of you are familiar with the concept of flow you’ll know when I say that I have been in a flow state each time I’ve sat down to work on the proposal. The proposal is coming along. I’m trying to tighten it up each time I sit with it.Thursday I “...finished Pollan's book” How to Change Your Mind. “It's been a great experience and it has helped me to realize the importance of meditation in my I have no plans to take LSD.” Pollan makes some great connections between things he experienced while on a variety of psychedelics and the role meditation can have as it relates to (for lack of a better phrase) changing your mind! I continue to meditate daily not to chase any kind of trippy experience but to cultivate mental silence!