I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Sixth full week of Summer Break...

Sixth full week of Summer Break...This week found my wife and I visiting our family in upstate NY. It’s been about 3 years since we’ve been “up” to visit. Our families live about 10 minutes away from each other in separate towns. Most of our trip is consumed with going back and forth to each family spending time visiting. To say that this trip causes me anxiety would be an understatement. I know it is all in my head but I cannot escape the feeling of reverting back to my 10 year old self whenever we go “up.” That 10 year old version of me wants to please everyone and if I feel that I (not we) am not doing so...I get depressed. That depression makes it next to impossible for me to enjoy the trip on any level. My wife is a saint among the living and puts up with me...how I have no idea! There were highlights and in the end I must say that I did have a good time. The trip is now over and we are home. My 10 year old self is resting for now which is a good thing.

Seventh Full Week of Summer Break...

Fifth full week of Summer Break...