I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Week Two of the Widget/Siri Suggestions Experiment

Just about finished with my second week of using the Widget screen and Siri Suggestions to access apps. I wanted to see how my screen time went after the first full week of this experiment and when I checked it was down 15% from the previous week.Screen time is up 20% from last week...my first work week using the Widget screen and Siri Suggestions as my main tools to access apps on my iPhone XR. This increase makes total sense due to me being off of work for Winter Break. I think it will be really interesting to see how things go this coming week as I enter my second week of Winter Break. Will the percentage be lower, higher...remain the same. As I’ve stated in previous posts...I’m not looking to use my phone and apps less...I’m looking to see how purposeful my usage is week to week.For example, the week I started this current experiment my top two apps were Shortcuts and Overcast (Shortcuts clocking in at 51 minutes and Overcast at 32 minutes). These numbers make sense because I was using Shortcuts to set up my new workflow for the Widget screen. Seeing Overcast near the top is also not a surprise as I love listening to podcasts. The lower times also make sense in that it was a work week. These numbers would be naturally lower due to being at my job and not having as much down time.The numbers from this week are bigger because...as stated...I am not at work and have more time at my disposal. Overcast is the top app clocking in at 90 minutes and Insight Timer (my meditation app) clocked in so far with 42 minutes. Shortcuts is in 5th place at 28 minutes...again making total sense now that I am only using it from the Widget screen as a means to get to other apps.

New Year, new blog: Cultivating Mental Silence moves forward in 2020!

My State of the Apps...