Blues for Allah: A haiku
Last week the posts I wrote were basically inspired by things that I am consuming over my Summer break. I want to keep in that tradition this week though I’m not so sure I will be posting something everyday...we’ll see about that.
I bought another album over the weekend; American Beauty The Grateful Dead. It sounds amazing on the headphones I bought just last week. Listening to that album got me thinking about how much I enjoy the Grateful Dead’s music and that it’s been a while since I’ve really sat down and listened to it. So, while on my walk yesterday, I decided to think of some other albums I could listen to, on Apple Music, in an attempt to figure out what my next GD album purchase will be. I download their 1975 album, Blues for Allah. It’s a great encapsulation of what I believe a Grateful Dead concert experience to be. Traditional, and technically tight on “side 1” while veering into the improvisational realms of the unknown on “side 2” culminating in the 12 minute, 33 second Blues for Allah: Sand Castles and Glass Camels/Unusual Occurrences In the Desert.
The song inspired me to write this Kerouac-esque haiku...
Blues for Allah
Stars shimmer
Crickets chirp
Under eternity