I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Affirmations: A Really Cool app

Affirmations: A Really Cool app

I've been using an app called Affirmations on my iPhone XR for about 2 weeks now; as a part of my self-care routine.

One of the first things I did when I downloaded the app was decide when I wanted to recieve the affirmations. I decided on getting them between the hours of 7am and 3pm, while I'm at work. You can even control how often the affirmations change throughout the day. I have this setting at 3 per day during that 7am-3pm time period. Less is more!

The next I wanted to figure out was how to customize the actual affirmations I would get. The app allows provides you many options based on categories that range from Mental Health to Current Events. There are also Date-Aware affirmations you can get that are basically seasonal. For example, one of the current affirmations reminds the user that, "This time of year has the perfect weather for outdoor walks." That may seem obvious but after a long day at work, inside a classroom full of germ carrying children, being reminded to get outside for some fresh air is actually quite pleasant. The only category I have toggled off is Appearance...I don’t need an app telling me things about the way I look. 😋 You can also add custom affirmations of your own.

The app has a really nice widget feature that you can put on your Homescreen. I am currently using the medium widget on both my main Homescreen and when I am in my Work Focus Mode.

The thing I like most about this app is that it gets me out of my own head. None of the affirmations are written in first person rather they begin with words "you" or “your” as in, "You are going to do great." and “Your creativity is amazing!” Whenever I open my phone and see one of these affirmations its as if the widget is speaking to me in a gentle, calm way. I'm glad I decided to give this app a try and encourage you to try it as well.

Things I’m Enjoying: Fall Edition

Things I’m Enjoying: Fall Edition

Guided Meditations via the Mindfulness app on Apple Watch

Guided Meditations via the Mindfulness app on Apple Watch