Cultivating Mental Silence

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Back to running: Treadmill and “the road”...

Those who know me and maybe to a lesser extent...just those of you who are kind enough to read this blog know something about my relationship with running. For those who don’’s a quick synopsis...

Running “found me” overweight and struggling to get through my PhD program years ago. I got it in my head that if I took up running and got in shape that I’d be more likely to face the challenges of earning a PhD while working full time. Turns out...I was right!

I love to run and whenever I finish a run...whether I’m on the treadmill or on “the road”...I feel as though I have achieved something great...especially at my “advanced” age of 53! Because I want to be running into my “golden” years...I alternate running with walking and the occasional yoga session...more walking and running lately than yoga. Lately though I’ve been a bit lazy...utilizing walking as my primary means of exercise. Don’t get me wrong...walking is great! However, since March 16th when my work as a teacher moved from the classroom to “remote” teaching from home...I have not been moving around as much as I would normally...and...I’ve noticed that I’ve gained a little weight.

How much you say? About 3 pounds. I know some of you are screaming at your screen right now. 3 pounds...are you kidding me?! (Me...being you) me...3 pounds might as well be 30. Whenever I “hit” or get close to 160 pounds I begin to panic. I start to think of 205 pound “past me” and think, once I’m over 160...the path to 170 becomes inevitable and so on. I do not want to be that person ever again! I weigh myself 2 times a day...once in the morning after I work out and once before I go to bed. These two moments in my day, along with others, serve as reminders to never get to that point again. Even though my doctor is convinced that 160 pounds is a good weight for me. I’ve “tried it on” and every time I doesn’t feel right.

Ok...back to running. My preferred way to run is via our treadmill. Yes it’s fun to run outside and I have a great route that I can run in my neighborhood. And...there is a great incline on the route that I feel victorious every time I run up to continue my workout. However, as I get older, I have found “the road” to NOT be very kind to my knees and my shins. The treadmill...on the other much kinder. A 23 minute run, with a 2 minute cool down, at 4.2 miles per hour with a 1% incline (to approximate running in the road) is and will continue to jam! As of this writing I’ve been running for 5 days in a row. One thing I noticed after my first day getting on a bike after a prolonged absence...that it was relatively easy to get back into the groove. That said...I have experienced some minor pain in and around the muscles of my hips. Just my body’s way of telling me, “It’s been too long since you’ve run!” When I compare the data (between walking and running) running always “wins.” For example, if I run on the treadmill for 23 minutes, with a 2 minute cool down I burn 237 total calories (199 active) and log 1.84 miles at a pace of 13’36”/mile. Compare that with a typical walk on the treadmill 23 minutes, with a 2 minute cool down burns 151 total calories (113 active) and I log 1.51 miles at a pace of 16’36”/mile. speed on my walks is 3.8 miles per hour. The stat that jumps out the most to me is the impact my speed/pace has on my overall performance. An increase of .4/miles per hour...from 3.8 to 4.2 really does make a difference. Compare all of this to running outside...which I did yesterday and this morning because it has been so beautiful out...a 25 minute run with a 2 minute cool down found me burning 323 calories (281 active) 2.09 miles at an overall pace (including the cool down) 12’54”/mile. Man...running outside really does up the data on all fronts! It’s so hard on the body though!

All of this to say that...for long as we are quarantined to our homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic...running is something I feel that I need to bring back to my daily routine...outside if it’s nice! Speaking of COVID-19...tomorrow I plan on sharing what it’s been like grocery shopping during the pandemic.