I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Day 9: “Teaching” from home…

As we complete the second week of our state wide school closure, this blogpost finds me in the midst of an optional Teacher Workday. I’ve decided to use the time to get some things done that I have been unable to do on a typical, “new normal” day (see yesterday’s post for what a typical day looks like). At the end of yesterday’s post I said that I had an interesting idea for today’s post.

Found poetry. I’m actually going to have my students try to compose some found poetry out from home next week. Found poetry is a type of poetry where the poet pulls text (words/phrases) from her/his environment and arranges it in the form of a poem.

For today’s post I thought it would be fun to go back through my first 8 posts, pulling words/phrases from each, and arranging them in the form of a poem. Enjoy!

A mix of keeping families informed,

Concept of time, specifically “what day is it”...beginning to get a little slippery,

We’ve made it to Friday, Week 1.

“Are we going to be out for the rest of the year?“

The governor of our state extended the school shutdown until at least May 15th

Welcome back to the Mac!

Responding to families that reach out to me for assistance

My top priority!

Compression and depression…

Day 8: “Teaching” from home...