I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Disappearing into something during the pandemic...

Disappearing into something during the pandemic...

Disappearing into something during the pandemic is something I'd love to to do. Something other than worrying about whether or not I'm doing enough as I teach my students remotely. My job has consumed me. I'm not happy about that. It's not healthy.

There are micro moments when I lose myself. Like right now... when I'm writing. Also... when I listen to podcasts. Watching football has been fun. Listening to music on the weekend with my wife as we start the day.

What opportunities am I missing?

I could be listening to music more. I could listen to podcasts more. I just got a puzzle that I bought from Kickstarter. The puzzle will be a project that my wife and I start over the holiday break. Thing is...if I commit to disappearing into any one of these things...I need to give myself permission NOT to think about work! The other day I was listening to a podcast and one host said something really funny and the other host laughed and I did too...aloud. I caught myself hearing myself laugh and I almost started to cry because it was the first time in a long time that I laughed out loud and…in that moment was very mindful. I was enjoying the moment and not thinking about work or mentally beating myself up for not doing work.

Maybe I'm Overthinking It?!

Disappearing into something doesn't have to be a planned event. The opportunity to disappear into something is always there if I allow myself to give in to the moment. I just need to be more mindful about it. When I'm listening to music...listen to music. When I'm writing...just write. When I'm listening to the latest episode of a podcast...just listen. Each of these things can be meditative. When I notice my mind drifting away from “the moment,” I can notice it, take a breath, and go back to “it.” For example, yesterday afternoon when I got home from work, I put my AirPods Pro on and “disappeared” into 1980’s Heavy Metal music…it was awesome!

Year in Review: Blogging on Squarespace 2020

Year in Review: Blogging on Squarespace 2020

Things I'm enjoying: Late Fall Edition

Things I'm enjoying: Late Fall Edition