I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Mindfully grateful...

Mindfully grateful…I have been keeping a gratitude journal on my iPhone for a long time. I have recently decided to use it as another moment of being mindful. It’s a Five Minute Journal where I am asked to think about 3 things I’m grateful for, 3 things I will do to make the day great along with daily affirmations. The mindfulness comes with me repeating certain statements for some of the things I am asked to write about. For example, one recurring statement I make in the first section is that I am grateful for my wife’s love and support. Typing this out each morning reminds me that someone does love me and is always there for me to help me when I need it. It feels good to type that statement each day. Another example that I have been using a lot lately is typing the phrase “Accept and let go.” Typing this out each morning serves as a textual way to prepare for the day. It also helps me consciously remember that this is an important mindset to have because the day will be filled with moments that I cannot prepare for or control. My affirmation has been the same thing since I started using the Five Minute Journal app, “I am loving, kind, and compassionate.” The affirmation reminds me that I am more than just a teacher trying to make it through another day in the classroom…it reminds me of my humanness. This writing does not result in unicorns and rainbows! What it does is help me remain grounded, in the moment, human.

Hi Future Self, it’s me!

Mindfulness in the car...