I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Why Do I Write?

Why do I write? Those of you who have read this blog know that Road Work is one of my favorite podcasts. It is brutally honest and the topics that are discussed remain in my head for days and weeks afterwards…as I attempt to come to terms with my own opinions about what is talked about. I love this podcast so much that I support its creators, John Roderick and Dan Benjamin via Patreon!

One topic that John brought up on a recent episode, number 173, involved his thinking about his own writing…specifically the writing he’s been doing lately on Twitter. He basically was thinking out loud about why his thoughts are in that space. This got me thinking again about why it is that I write...and why am I putting my thoughts in the “blogosphere?”

Some of you may know that I got my PhD in Urban Literacy 5 years ago. Coming out of that experience I thought that I would become a professor at a college and write books and articles. These books and articles would help others like me. That path, for many reasons, has not been the path I’ve taken. Instead…I have decided to remain at my “day job.” From that position…I’ve written a book for teachers. In it I share my ideas for what I think teachers like me should be doing in their classrooms, with their students, to cultivate a sense of hope on the students part. Hope that what they have to say and share with the world is valued. I've shopped it to one publisher. They never wrote back. That's fine. I'm thinking about looking into self-publishing it. I don't necessarily need a publisher for my writing to reach let alone help others.

I've been blogging regularly for over a year. Why? Here is the short list:

1. I write for me first and foremost.

2. I write to settle my mind.

3. I write to think about things that interest me.

I am my happiest when I write!

Secondarily...it has been my hope to share my writing with an audience... an audience that shares my interests...my stuggles. It is my hope that anyone reading my thoughts may pause and say to themselves, “If he can do this so can I!” So I guess you can say that what I'm doing here on this blog is a living example of what I want students to think...that what they have to say matters! The fact that there are people in the world reading my weekly thoughts humbles me.

So...why do I write? I write to live!!

Zen Moment at the beach…

Refraining: Not to be or to be?