6 Weeks in Wearing the APPLE WATCH ULTRA
6 weeks in wearing my Apple Watch Ultra…
…finds me still loving the Wayfinder Watch Face. I have 4 complications (one in each corner...as you can see in the photo below) along with today's date. Here's a bit behind each of my choices.
Top Left: Elevation-I chose this to have something interesting to look at that is not directly related to my state of mental and physical health. I like knowing information like my elevation and incline. I actually added a compass waypoint to this complication recently; the Parked Car Waypoint. Now I know where my car is at all times! How cool is that?!
Top Right: Temperature-This information comes directly from the stock Weather app which, now that it has integrated with Dark Sky, I can get all the information I need, beyond the current temperature, just by touching the complication.
Bottom Left: Daily Avg./Pulse-I'm obsessed with knowing what my pulse is throughout the day. My daily average has a direct correlation to my mood and usually, my location; 70's and below means I'm feeling chill and most likely, not at work. 80 and above, I'm probably at work (not feeling chill)!
Bottom Right: Mindfulness-I have this here to remind myself to chill out regardless of my location. I really like using the Reflect option and aspire to use it at least 2 times while I'm at work each day.
Sub-dial Top-Today's Date-I like being able to see the date here and have resisted the urge to add more in this sub-dial space. Less is more!
I love this watch!