Cultivating Mental Silence

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Spending time with Friends: Getting out of my Head

This has been a long week at work. It was our first full week back to school after the Thanksgiving holiday and to say my class was not "on their game" would be an understatement. It wasn't terrible, it just wasn't great. I had to give my students several assessments. That didn't go over well with them and I feel that some of what I had to deal was a direct result of their "assessment fatigue."

One thing that helped me get through this week was time spent with my wife and good friends. Monday, a very good friend of mine and I went out to eat then came back to my house to listen to some music on vinyl. We had a great time just sitting and talking to each other while the music played in the background. As I sit here and think back on that night I wonder; why are we not doing that more often? Wednesday, my wife and I went out to dinner with friends to celebrate a birthday. Being out, in the middle of the week really helped me "get out of my head." As I sat there enjoying the company of the 3 people I was with I occasionally looked around at the other people. I wondered what circumstances brought them to this place. Looking at their faces, seeing them laugh and smile I felt a sense of reassurance; if they could come out after a long day of work and enjoy themselves than so could I.