In which I review the app PlayTally and talk about the quantitative data it collects for me related to my music consumption.
I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.
All in health
In which I review the app PlayTally and talk about the quantitative data it collects for me related to my music consumption.
In which I provide my seasonal update of things that are bringing me joy!
In which I give first impressions about two podcasts I’ve recently discovered.
In which I review a really cool third-party music app.
In which I provide an update on my usage of the Theme System Journal.
In which I discuss a simple little Shortcut to let others know I am thinking of them and their well being!
In which I talk about Spring cleaning my Home Screen and Today Screen.
In which I contemplate the usefulness of a writing app meant to help “get rid” of negative thoughts.
In which I write about things I’m enjoying right now!
In which I speak qualitatively about the quantitative data I am generating via my music
In which I explain my decision to double down on Apple Music and demote Spotify. I also share how I’m time tracking my music consumption.
In which I talk briefly about what it was like to “unlock” my iPhone XR and turn the Internet hose “all the way on”…if only for a few days.
In which I begin the new year with a post about Yearly Themes.
In which I explain that it’s time to take a bit of a break.
In which I look back at blogging on Squarespace in the year 2020.
In which I write about disappearing into something during the pandemic.
In which I share some things that are bringing me joy and happiness!
In which I explain the problematic nature of being the backup to a backup while teaching during the pandemic.
In which I reflect on my decision to come to terms with having to be at school two days a week to help support those who are there everyday.
In which I provide an update on remote teaching.